CHINA CROSSROADS hosts all topics relating to “China and the world,” including business and international affairs, the idea being that China is now both a “crossroads” of the world and at a “crossroads” of global influence.
Next Speaker(s):
- 03/03/25: Ken Jarrett (Albright Stonebridge), “Trump and US-China Relations: What to Expect?“
- 03/06/25: Mukesh Sharma (Tech Mahindra), “AI for the World: India’s Role in Shaping the Future of Technology“
- 03/10/25: Lena Scheen (NYU Shanghai), “Historical Heritage Sites in Shanghai: Storytelling and Memory“
- 03/13/25: William Klein (FGS) and Brett O’Brien (FGS), “Trump, China, and the World: Alternative Futures“
- 03/17/25: Melissa van der Geest (Direct HR), “China’s Expat Population: Demographic and Job Trends“
- 03/20/25: Fabrizio Ulivi (SBA), “Navigating the Talent Crunch in China: Strategies for the Evolving Workforce“
- 03/25/27: Fabio Alves (Wagtopia), Chen Hongfeng (ADM), and Eric Lin (Silk Initiative), “China’s Pet Industry“
- 03/27/27: Marc Hijink (Tech Reporter at NRC), “Book Talk on The ASML Way“
Past Events:
- 02/27/25: Wang Yiwen (XJTLU), “Rebuilding China’s Historic Walled Cities: Bringing the Past to Life“
- 02/24/25: Sidharth Kamani (NDB), “India’s Digital Transformation: What Fuels It and Sets It Apart?“
- 02/18/25: Heidi Berg (DI), “ESG in China: Adapting Global Frameworks to the Beijing Agenda“
- 02/17/25: Lola Woetzel (NYU) and Shameen Prashantham (CEIBS), “Strategies for Navigating a Riskier World“
- 02/13/25: Maria Adele Carrai (NYU Shanghai), “Mapping Global China: Economic, Social, Political Dimensions“
- 02/10/25: Tilman Rieger (8C Consulting), “Cross-Cultural Communication, East and West: Bridging the Gap“
- 01/21/25: David Fishman (Lantau Group), “What’s the “Real China” or Average Experience in 4th Tier Cities?“
- 01/20/25: Howard Wang (JH Group), “Regional Security and Geopolitical Risk Update: A Peek into 2025“
- 01/17/25: Kevin Russell (McKinsey) and Karel Eloot (McKinsey), “The Next Big Arenas of Industrial Competition“
- 01/16/25: Zach Fredman (DKU), “Tormented Alliance: The US Military in Wartime China, 1941-1949“
- 01/13/25: Chris Torrens (APCO), “China Global 2025: The Search for New Markets“
- 01/09/25: Peter Zysk (Brunswick) and St. John Moore (Brunswick), “US-China Public Opinion Trends in 2025“
- 01/02/25: Stephane Monsallier (System in Motion), “The Six Pillars of Successful Generative AI Implementation“
- 12/12/24: Jeffrey Wilson (JunHe), George Hu (DKU), and Justin Yang (Honest Drink), “Fatherhood in China“
- 12/10/24: Xavier Naville, (Author) “Lettuce Diaries: How A Frenchman Found Gold Growing Vegetables In China“
- 12/05/24: Alex Su (XJTLU), “How Local Government Debt Affects Housing Prices in China“
- 12/03/24: Graham Earnshaw (Earnshaw Books), “Dealing with Change from 50 Years Working in China“
- 11/28/24: Aryeh Amihay (Shanghai Normal University), “Strands of Jewish Thought“
- 11/25/24: Kent Kedl (Former Head of Control Risks China), “Why De-risking and De-coupling Won’t Work“
- 11/21/24: Tom Nunlist (Trivium), “Data Strategy and Geopolitics: China, US, and EU“
- 11/12/24: Adrian Notz (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), “Where Science Meets Art: The AI+Art Lab“
- 11/06/24: Kent Kedl (Control Risks), Han Lin (Asia Group), Dominic Chiu (Eurasia Group), “US Election and China“
- 11/04/24: Wang Zhengxu (Zhejiang University), “The Liberation of Shanghai: May 1949 to May 1950“
- 10/31/24: Gabor Holch (Author), “What China’s Next Decade Holds for Foreign Firms and Executives?“
- 10/28/24: Mohsen Al Attar (XJTLU), “Rethinking White Supremacy in International Legal Order“
- 10/24/24: Alexandre Coelho (Observa China), “Bypassing the Dollar with China’s Offshore RMB Centers“
- 10/23/24: Cameron Johnson (Tidalwave), “Sinica Live Episode: Decoupling, De-risking, and the Great Disconnect“
- 10/21/24: Kaiser Kuo (Sinica Podcast), “Comparing American and Chinese Exceptionalism: Can They Coexist?“
- 10/17/24: Natalie Lowe (The Orangeblowfish), “International Brands in China: Don’t Get Lost in Translation“
- 09/19/24: Andrea Fenn (CEO of Adiacent China), “Social Media in China: A Golden Cage?“
- 09/17/24: Anastas Vangeli (University of Ljubljana) and Jovan Čavoški (Serbian Institute) “Yugoslavia and China“
- 09/12/24: Marc Gronwald (XJTLU), “How Does Climate Change Affect China?“
- 09/10/24: Susan Dietz-Henderson (ANU), “Observing Australia-China Relations: What Next from Here?“
- 09/09/24: Yascha Mounk (Persuasion), “Race to the White House: On-the-Ground Insights on the US Election“
- 08/30/24: Klaus Larres (UNC and Wilson Center), “China as Rival or Partner: A Transatlantic Perspective“
- 08/27/24: Harri Sallinen (Finnish Consulate), “100 Years of Finnish-Chinese Relations: Observing China’s Rise“
- 08/15/24: Han Lin (NYU Shanghai) and Didier Magloire (Ripple Group), “The Third Plenum and China’s Economy“
- 08/12/24: Hanoi Hantrakul (AI Research Scientist), “Demonstrating AI Music: Make Your Own Song“
- 07/23/24: Pierre Cohade (IMA Asia), “Engage or Derisk? Multinationals in Search of a New China Playbook“
- 07/22/24: Katia Houle (, “Tech and Travel: How Is Navigating Internationalization“
- 07/15/24: Huang Kangning (NYU Shanghai), “Which Chinese Cities Are Overbuilt?“
- 07/11/24: Chris Torrens (APCO) and Don Weinland (The Economist), “UK-China Relations after the UK Election”
- 07/08/24: David Feng (Transnational Rail Specialist), “China’s High-Speed Railway Revolution“
- 07/04/24: Bryce Whitwam (Author), “How China Is Changing How the World Shops“
- 07/02/24: Ben Wu (Agio Capital), “Biopharma in China: Innovation, Trends, Dealmaking“
- 06/24/24: Raphael Coelho (X-Sigma), “Alternative Entrepreneurship: From Intrapreneurship to Accelerator“
- 06/18/24: Dieter Verstreken (Melexis) and Bill Russo (Automobility), “Outlook for Cars and Chips in China“
- 06/17/24: Yang Yifan (ECNU), “Corporate Public Diplomacy in the Belt and Road Initiative“
- 06/13/24: Jeffrey Wilson (JunHe), “Employment Rules for Foreigners in Shanghai“
- 06/06/24: Thomas Simon (Hopkins-Nanjing), “Ranking Global Harms: Genocide, Terrorism, and Climate Change“
- 06/03/24: Ashley Recanati (Sauermann Group), “Coping with AI at Work: Strategies for Managers and Staff“
- 05/30/24: Nuno Da Camara (XJTLU), “Cross-Cultural Communication for Managers: Navigating the Minefield“
- 05/27/24: Niklas Weins (XJTLU), “China’s Ecological Civilization and Its Implications for the Global South“
- 05/23/24: Daniel Senger (Wilton Partners), “Reforming China’s Capital Markets“
- 05/20/24: Adam Webb (Hopkins-Nanjing), “How the Global South Will Affect the West’s Competition with China“
- 05/16/24: Miguel Otero-Iglesias (Elcano Institute), “Electric Vehicles and the US-China-EU Strategic Triangle“
- 05/14/24: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey) and Wu Chenyu (Control Risks), “Geopolitical Risk and Global Trade“
- 05/13/24: Kenneth Yu (Former President of 3M China), “Decisions and Lessons of China’s Industrial Businesses“
- 05/09/24: Richard Brubaker (Collective Responsibility), “Sustainability Redefined: 20 Years Solving Problems“
- 05/06/24: David Moser (Beijing Capital Normal University), “Why Nobody Can Write Chinese Anymore“
- 04/29/24: Oliver Pearce (Communications Consultant), “How the Media Works in China“
- 04/25/24: Gish Jen (Novelist), “Thank You, Mr. Nixon: The 50 Years since China’s Opening Told in Stories“
- 04/24/24: Maximilian Mayer (University of Bonn), “Chinese Tech Giants in the Global South“
- 04/02/24: Daniel Kübler (University of Zurich), “The State of Direct Democracy Globally“
- 04/01/24: Lena Kaufmann (University of Zurich), “Rural-Urban Migration and Agro-Technological Change“
- 03/25/24: Philip Giurlando (XJTLU), “How Weak States Benefit from the Multipolar Order and the Rise of China“
- 03/18/24: Pilar Dieter (CEO of Solidiance), “Does American Business Still Believe in the China Dream?“
- 03/14/24: Peggy Liu (JUCCCE), “A Better Future Faster: Creating Momentum for Large-Scale Social Change“
- 03/11/24: Joshua Eisenman (University of Notre Dame), “China’s Relational Power in Africa“
- 03/07/24: Jae Li (Tongji University), “Creativity with Chinese Characteristics: Opportunities and Challenges“
- 03/04/24: Michele Geraci (NYU Shanghai), “How Understanding Global Trade Can Resolve Tensions with China“
- 02/29/24: Sven Agten (Rheinzink), “Leaving, Derisking, or Staying? What the Western Media Misses about China“
- 02/26/24: Heidi Berg (DI Base), “ESG Developments in China and Europe: Alignments and Tensions“
- 02/22/24: Karlene Rowland (Community Center Shanghai),”Barriers to Mental Health Care Support in Shanghai“
- 01/29/24: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey), “Asia on the Cusp of a New Era: From Taker to Shaper of Global Rules“
- 01/25/24: Eric Lin (Silk Initiative), “Chinese Consumers Pre- and Post-Covid: Comparison and Discussion“
- 01/22/24: George Hu (DKU) and Aric Shang (Honest Drink), “The Psychology of Chinese Born in the West“
- 01/18/24: Don Weinland (The Economist), “Financing and Building China’s Industry 4.0“
- 01/15/24: Shreyans Bhaskar (NDB), “Understanding the Global Landscape for Climate Finance“
- 01/11/24: Don Williams (Hogan Lovells), “20 Years of Tech Deals in China and Prospects for Tech War“
- 01/08/24: Peter Jolicoeur (Airport Master Planner), “Aviation in China: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow“
- 01/04/24: Lola Woetzel (McKinsey), “Coming Out as Transgender in China and the United States“
- 12/21/23: Graham Earnshaw (Earnshaw Books), “50 Years in China: The Life and Times of an Old China Hand“
- 12/18/23: Alex Su (XJTLU), “Is There Really an Oversupply of Housing in China?“
- 12/14/23: Jeffrey Wilson (JunHe) and Helena Zhang (JunHe), “Workplace Discrimination/Harassment in China“
- 12/11/23: Yi-Lin Chiang (NYU), “Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition“
- 12/07/23: Tomas Casas Klett (HSG), “China’s Elite Quality and Its Impact on Economic Growth“
- 12/04/23: Alicia Veneziani (Bytedance), “Going Global: The New Wave of Chinese Tech Expansion“
- 11/30/23: Zak Dychtwald (Young China Group) and Han Lin (NYU Shanghai), “Reimagining China for Global HQ“
- 11/21/23: Johan Wilhelmsson (EF) and Jean Liu (EF) “Global English Proficiency Rankings and Why They Matter“
- 11/11/23: Shen Yang (Author), “Book Launch of Golden Childhood: Growing Up in 1990s Rural China“
- 11/09/23: Stephane Monsallier (System in Motion), “Making the Most out of AI: How to Tame and Leverage It“
- 11/02/23: Cheng Cheng (AGRA) “African Food Security and Asian Agricultural Investment: Firsthand Observation“
- 10/26/23: Tilman Rieger (8C Consulting), “Psychological Safety in the Workplace“
- 10/24/23: Jean Liu (EF), “Government Relations in China: Observations of a Corporate Affairs Executive in China“
- 10/19/23: Yao Di (Google), “Legal and Policy Implications of AI in China“
- 09/21/23: Gabor Holch (Author), “Book Launch of Dragon Suit: The Golden Age of Expatriate Executives in China“
- 09/18/23: Han Lin (NYU Shanghai) and Brett Barna (Barna Family Office), “Is China Still Investable?“
- 09/16/23: Ian Anderson (Former MNC Head), “An Imperfect Laoban: Failing to Win over a Decade in China“
- 09/13/23: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey), “Raising the Bar for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth“
- 09/09/23: Bai Tongdong (Fudan University), “Legalism and Han Feizi on the Basic Good Modern State“
- 09/02/23: Jean-Paul Kneib (EPFL), “Space Sustainability: Preventing Collisions with Satellites in Space
- 08/31/23: Wang Dan (Hang Seng Bank), “Youth Unemployment in China“
- 08/25/23: Harri Sallinen (Finnish Consulate) and Martin Hoxer (Danish Consulate), “Comparing Finland/Denmark“
- 08/24/23: Edward Tse, Yao Di, Claire Chen, and Shirley Shi, “How Generative AI Will Drive Business Change“
- 08/21/23: Jeff Hasenfratz (Mindsight), “Productive Disagreement“
- 08/17/23: Bill Russo (Automobility), “China’s Auto Industry: The Race to a Sustainable Future“
- 08/14/23: Daniel Bell (HKU), “Book Talk on China’s Confucian Comeback“
- 07/15/23: Zak Dychtwald (Author), “Young China 2023: A Discussion of the Present and Future of China’s Youth“
- 07/13/23: Barbara Ex (CEO of WhiteSpace), “Offline and Booming: Navigating Headwinds in Space as a Service“
- 07/08/23: Andrew Field (Duke Kunshan University), “Rocking China: Music Scenes in Beijing and Beyond“
- 07/06/23: Daniel Senger (CGI Capital), “Shortcomings in Chinese Capital Markets and Paths Forward“
- 07/03/23: Martin Lockstrom (XJTLU), “How AI Will Shape the Future of Education“
- 06/29/23: Ker Gibbs (Former AmCham President), Bill Russo (Automobility), and Jean Liu (EF), “Selling to China“
- 06/22/23: Mikael Winther (Danish Consul General), “The Benefits of Trust for Society in Denmark and Beyond“
- 06/17/23: Charlie Reis (XJTLU) and Liu Xi (XJTLU), “Science Fiction in China“
- 06/15/23: Manoj Mehta (CEO of Naked Group), “The Naked Story: Strategic Decisions of a Homegrown Success“
- 06/08/23: Anna Lupina-Wegener (ZHAW) and Dong Yang Meier (ZHAW), “Cultural Factors in M&A in China“
- 05/30/23: Ben Wu (Agio) and Sven Agten (CEO Author), “Biopharma in China: Big Bubble or Global Potential?“
- 05/20/23: Wang Baihua (Fudan University), “Chinese Characters and the Limits of Poetic Translation“
- 05/18/23: Ashley Recanati (Sauermann Group), “How to Protect Your Job from AI?“
- 05/11/23: Claudia Kosser (FGS Global), “Strategic Communications in China: Reputations Ruined and Restored“
- 04/27/23: Li Xiaojun (NYU Shanghai), “Unpacking Chinese Attitudes to the West, Europe, and America“
- 04/22/23: He Tian (XJTLU), “The Global Semiconductor Industry in Transition: State Action and MNC Reaction“
- 04/20/23: Huang Kangning (NYU Shanghai), “Should Cities Sprawl or Densify? Climate Trade-offs in Urbanization“
- 04/15/23: Wang Shun (XJTLU), “Why Are Some Countries Happier than Others?“
- 04/13/23: Francis Bassolino (Alaris Consulting), “Are Multinational Businesses Planning to Leave China?“
- 04/01/23: Luk Van Mensel (XJTLU), “What Multilingualism Means for the Mind, the City, and Your Life“
- 03/26/23: Robert Pauls (XJTLU) and Alexandar Stojanovic (NYU Shanghai), “Governing China’s Financial System“
- 03/18/23: Debora Malito (XJTLU), “Western Bias in Comparisons of Global Good Governance“
- 03/16/23: Josef Mahoney (ECNU), “How China Thinks: From Yin-Yang to Dialectical Materialism to Youth Culture“
- 03/11/23: Philip Giurlando (XJTLU), “Populism in Europe and North America: Drivers and Consequences“
- 03/04/23: Brian Linden (The Linden Centre), “Redefining Diplomacy One Village at a Time“
- 03/02/23: Luo Mingke (Conversational AI Founder and CEO), “Interrogating ChatGPT: Is AI for Real This Time?“
- 02/25/23: You Ji (XJTLU), “Dynamics of Asia-Pacific Security“
- 02/23/23: Sidharth Kamani (New Development Bank), “Why Development Banking Matters“
- 02/18/23: Maria Adele Carrai (NYU Shanghai), “China in Africa: Post-Pandemic Trends“
- 02/16/23: Carmen Liu (Control Risks), “Managing China’s Reopening with Strategic Intelligence“
- 02/11/23: Leif Johnson (XJTLU), “Shanghai’s Construction Industry and the Formation of Chinese Masculinity”
- 02/09/23: Heidi Berg (Nordic Innovation and Sustainability Shanghai), “Is ESG a Scam?“
- 02/04/23: Yang Taoyu (NYU Shanghai), “Cosmopolitan Shanghai: From Paris of the Orient to Post-Covid City“
- 02/02/23: Peter Bøgh Hansen (Dansk Insustri), “Decoupling or Engagement for Europe-China Business in 2023?“
- 01/19/23: Yereth Jansen (UNWTO), “China’s Coming Tourism Boom“
- 01/14/23: Ma Bin (Fudan University) “Chinese Views of Europe and China“
- 01/12/23: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey), “Is the World Really De-Globalizing?“
- 01/07/23: Graham Earnshaw (Publisher of Earnshaw Books), “The Future of Books in an Age of Social Media“
- 01/05/23: Yvonne Sum (L’Oreal), “Leadership Lessons from Intentional Parenting“
- 12/17/22: Alex Wang (Map Collector), “Shanghai History in 12 Maps“
- 12/15/22: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey), “On the Cusp of a Global New Era? China Beyond the Era of Markets“
- 12/10/22: Gao Jian (SISU), “Confucian Morality: Daily Life, Relationships, and Humanism“
- 12/08/22: Cameron Johnson (NYU Shanghai), “De-Risking Your Supply Chain“
- 12/03/22: Philippe Roesle, Patrick Anderson, Jason Jin, “Swiss, British, and Dutch Recipes for Innovation“
- 11/19/22: Amir Hampel (NYU Shanghai), “Self-Help Psychology and the Value of Personality in China“
- 11/17/22: Alexandar Stojanovic (NYU Shanghai), “Financial Markets in China: Do They Really Work?“
- 11/10/22: Shuting Yow (Singaporean Consulate), “Singapore-China Relations: Past, Present and Future“
- 11/05/22: Tom Nunlist (Trivium), “Decoding China’s Digital Economy: Policy Views and Long-Term Goals“
- 10/29/22: Tilman Rieger (8C Consulting), “Compassionate Communication: The Key to Conflict Management“
- 10/27/22: Wang Dan (Chief Economist at Hang Seng Bank China), “Predicting China’s Economy“
- 10/22/22: Charlie Reis (XJTLU), “Rethinking Higher Education with Classical Chinese Thought“
- 10/08/22: Jean-Yves Le Corre (XJTLU) and Nicolas Labatut (Ephebos), “The Metaverse and Chinese Education“
- 10/06/22: George Hu (Clinical Psychologist at Shanghai United Family Hospital), “Mental Health in China“
- 10/01/22: Christian Petersen-Clausen (Documentary Filmmaker and Photographer), “Life in North Korea“
- 09/29/22: Jonathan Chapon (Abacare), “Handling Medical Emergencies in China: Stories from the Frontline“
- 09/24/22: Titus Levi (Jiaotong University), “Study Abroad in the Pandemic“
- 09/22/22: Zhang Xiaotong (Fudan University), “Book Launch: The Geopolitics of Global Railways“
- 09/17/22: Robert Pauls (XJTLU), “The People’s Bank of China and the Rise of Market-Based Banking“
- 09/10/22: Han Lin (NYU Shanghai), “China’s Banking System in 2022“
- 03/10/22: Wei Xing (Co-Founder of Sixth Tone), “Fact-Checking Misinformation: Professional Media Perspectives“
- 03/05/22: Christian Kober (Hoffmann Group), “China in Western Maps“
- 02/26/22: Wesley Chiu (United World College), “Study Abroad in the Pandemic: What Has and Has NOT Changed“
- 02/24/22: German Torrado (MD of Genetsis), “The Year Ahead in Ecommerce: Digital Trends and Brands in China“
- 02/17/22: Luo Mingke (CEO of AI Startup), “Artificial Unintelligence: Why You Should NOT Expect Intelligent AI“
- 02/06/22: Graham Earnshaw (Publisher of Earnshaw Books), “The Joys and Pitfalls of Book Publishing“
- 02/05/22: Evangelos Fanoulis (XJTLU), “European Public Opinion Towards the European Union“
- 01/27/22: Josef Mahoney (ECNU), “Digital Orientalism: Chinese Technology and Western Misconception“
- 01/23/22: Ritesh Gaur (Fugumobile), “Igniting the Startup Sprit: How to Motivate Your Team and Scale Up“
- 01/22/22: Peter Jolicoeur (Airport Master Planner), “Aviation Growth in China: Propellers to Megaterminals“
- 01/20/22: Lin Yuanyuan (McKinsey), “Digital Transformation with Impact: Insights from Best Practice“
- 01/16/22: Rajat Agarwal (President of Henkel China), “Unconscious Bias, Diversity, and Inclusion at Work“
- 01/08/22: Sven Agten (CEO of Rheinzink) and Ramesh Ramaswamy (Bosch), “Career Paths to the Top at MNCs“
- 12/30/21: Tom Nunlist (Trivium), “Data Governance in China: Is Cross-Border Trade Under Threat?“
- 12/19/21: Yereth Jansen (UNWTO), “Covid-19 and the Tourist Industry: Trends in China and Beyond“
- 12/15/21: Alex Duncan (Co-Founder of KAWO), “Understanding China’s Social Media Landscape in 2022“
- 12/12/21: Harry Den Hartog (Urban Designer), “The New Countryside in China: An Urban Vision?“
- 12/09/21: Wandi Adriano (Indonesian Consulate), “From Jakarta to Shanghai: Indonesia Diplomacy in Shanghai“
- 12/07/21: Wang Dan (Hang Seng Bank), “Does China Still Welcome Foreign Investment?“
- 11/28/21: Alicia Veneziani (Bytedance), “Chinese Tech Firms Going Abroad: Challenges and Opportunities“
- 11/25/21: Zhuang Meixi (Fudan), “Social Accountability and Public Supervision in China“
- 11/21/21: Martin Daffner (Duke), “China’s Innovation Engine: Culture, Financial Environment, Business Practices“
- 11/18/21: Eric Lin (The Silk Initiative), “Sustainability in China: What It Means for Consumers and Brands“
- 11/13/21: Shen Yang (Author), “More Than One Child: Growing Up as a Hidden, Excess Child in China“
- 11/07/21: Jacob Aldaco (SmartShanghai), “Shanghai’s Expat Population: Post-Covid Trends and Insights“
- 10/30/21: Pit Heltmann (German Consul General), “Post-Election Germany and German-Chinese Relations“
- 10/23/21: Ian Anderson (MD of Synthomer China), “Trial and Error with M&A in China: Cautionary Tales“
- 10/21/21: Gabor Holch (Campanile Management Consulting), “Who Should Run Your China Business?“
- 10/17/21: Rodrigo Zeidan (NYU Shanghai), “Will the RMB Become the Global Currency?“
- 10/14/21: Wang Zhengxu (Fudan University), “What is Good Government in East Asia?“
- 10/10/21: Shameen Prashantham (CEIBS), “Gorillas Can Dance: How Large Corporations Partner with Startups“
- 09/26/21: Peter Morgan (University of Nottingham), “Challenges and Prospects for Foreign Universities in China“
- 09/25/21: Michael Sung (Fudan University), “China’s Leadership in the Future of Sustainable Investment“
- 09/18/21: Ivan Rasmussen (NYU Shanghai), “Afghanistan and American Decline: The Graveyard of Empires?“
- 09/12/21: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey), “Beyond Income: Redrawing Asia’s Consumer Map“
- 09/11/21: Kent Kedl (Control Risks) and Zhang Xiaotong (Fudan), “Global Political Risk in the 20 Years since 9/11“
- 09/05/21: Sidharth Kamani (NDB) and Rodrigo Zeidan (NYU), “How Big Tech Supports Financial Inclusion“
- 08/29/21: Antonino Marciano (Fudan University), “Gravity and the Origins of Time“
- 08/28/21: Wolfgang Röhr (former Consul General of Germany), “The US-Europe-China Triangular Relationship“
- 08/21/21: Chen Bo (former GM at Fosun), “How Fosun Built a Global Investment Brand: The Inside Story“
- 08/14/21: Chris Allison (U.S Consulate), “Trends in U.S.-China Relations“
- 08/15/21: Onny Jalink (Dutch Consulate) and Charlene Liu (Ladies Who Tech), “Diversity and Inclusion at Work“
- 08/08/21: Emily Williams (XJTLU), “Collecting ‘Red Relics’ in Contemporary China“
- 07/24/21: Sven Agten (CEO of Rheinzink), “Adventures in China’s Economy: 16 Years from Tier 5 and Up“
- 07/22/21: Ramesh Ramaswamy (Bosch), “How Bosch Trains Local Chinese Managers for Global Leadership“
- 07/17/21: Yan Shaohua (Fudan University), “European Strategic Autonomy and EU-China Relations“
- 07/10/21: Lu Wenjie (BlackRock) and Sybil Zhu (Allianz), “How Global Investment Giants Do Business in China“
- 07/01/21: Rob Abbanat (CEO of GloCoach), “AI and the Future of Leadership“
- 06/27/21: John Van Fleet (Jiaotong University), “First Time in History: China’s Transformation since 1978“
- 06/20/21: Raphaël Cheriau (Shanghai French School), “Banning the Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean“
- 06/19/21: Felix Moesner (Swiss Embassy), “Science Diplomacy in China and Beyond: A Personal Journey“
- 06/13/21: Titus Levi (USC-SJTU) and Ezra Mitchell (SHUPL), “Los Angeles vs. New York: Which is the Best?“
- 06/12/21: Jacqueline Armijo (NYU Shanghai), “China’s Soft Power Initiatives in the Middle East“
- 06/06/21: Grace Haaf (NYU Shanghai), “Can AI Make Irrational Decisions?“
- 06/05/21: Nuno Da Camara (XJTLU), “Motivating and Leading Employees in the Knowledge Economy“
- 05/30/21: Li Xiaoting (ECNU), “Geopolitics of China and the U.S. in East Asian Regional Relations“
- 05/29/21: Wang Rui (GlobalGiving), “Beyond Giving: Philanthropy and the NGO Sector in China“
- 05/23/21: Zhang Xiaotong (Fudan University), “The Current State of EU-China Relations: Chinese Perspectives“
- 05/22/21: Joanna Waley-Cohen (NYU Shanghai), “China’s Openness to the West Preceding the Opium War“
- 05/16/21: Pan Jianfeng (Author and Artist), “Design and Creative Integrity in China and Beyond“
- 05/15/21: Raphael Coelho (CEO of Popeyes), “Lessons Learned after One Year in China’s Fast Food Market“
- 05/09/21: Han Lin (NYU) and Brett Barna (Barna Family Office), “U.S.-China Relations: Investors’ Perspectives“
- 04/29/21: Abdel Benkerroum (Emlyon), “Business Negotiation in China: Navigating Roadblocks and Traps“
- 04/23/21: Andrew Field (Duke), “Reviving the Glory Days of a Jazz Metropolis: Jazz & Blues à la Shanghai“
- 04/22/21: Wang Dan (Hang Seng Bank) and Darin Friedrichs (StoneX), “Is China Facing a Food Crisis?“
- 04/17/21: Nick Obolensky (Agile+), Ian Anderson (Synthomer), Matt Whately (CanCham), “Complexity Science“
- 04/10/21: Debora Spini (NYU Shanghai), “Civil Society, Democracy, and Politics“
- 04/03/21: Sergey Grechishkin (Author), “Everything is Normal: The Life and Times of a Soviet Kid“
- 04/01/21: Jonathan Chapon (Abacare) and Han Lin (AmCham), “Financial Sector Reform and Prospects“
- 03/27/21: Li Nan (SJTU), “Explaining Ant’s IPO Suspension: Fintech and Financial Regulations in China“
- 03/25/21: Andre Gisiger (GloCoach) and Ivy Zhou (Continental) “Management Agility in a Post-Pandemic World“
- 03/20/21: Laurie Underwood (XJTLU), Juan Fernandez (CEIBS), and Freda Zhang (IKEA), “Female CEOs in China”
- 03/13/21: Ceren Ergenc (XJTLU), “From Citizens to Experts: Patterns of Participatory Policymaking in China“
- 03/06/21: Chen Panfeng (former Huawei Overseas VP and Author), “Huawei’s Globalization: The Inside Story“
- 03/04/21: Daphne Tuijn (WebshopinChina), “China eCommerce: Counterfeits, Chinese Partners, Growth Hacking“
- 02/27/21: Noit Banai (NYU Shanghai), “Fortress Europe: Contemporary Art and its Representations of Borders“
- 02/25/21: Fleur Edens (Dutch Consulate), Mickael Naouri (Air Liquide), Li-Xiong Chu (Dr2), “Energy Transition“
- 02/21/21: Graham Earnshaw (Earnshaw Books), “Walking Across China: Inspiration from the Heartland“
- 02/17/21: Andrew Field (Duke), “Screening and Discussion of ‘Down: Indie Rock in the PRC’“
- 02/06/21: Tansen Sen (NYU Shanghai), “Inventing the ‘Maritime Silk Road’“
- 02/04/21: Carly Ramsey (Control Risks) and Nate Rushforth (DaWo Law), “Data Privacy/Cybersecurity in China“
- 01/21/21: Andrew Nip (Hays), “Why Building a Learning Culture Should be the #1 Priority at Your Organization“
- 01/16/21: Eddy Fang (XJTLU), “Food Safety Scares in China: Emergence, Diffusion, Mitigation“
- 01/09/21: Dragan Pavlicevic (XJTLU), “China-Serbia Relations: Test Case for China’s Growing Global Influence?
- 01/07/21: Brian Linden (Linden Centre), “A More Authentic Approach to Local Heritage Tourism in China“
- 01/02/21: James Miller (Duke), “China’s Green Religion: Daoism’s Role in a Global Ecological Civilization“
- 12/26/20: Nicola Liberati (Jiaotong University), “The Ethics and Effects of Relationships with Sex Robots“
- 12/19/20: Wang Shengyu (Oxford), “Good Fortune and Cosmology in Chinese Art and Archaeology“
- 12/12/20: Neville Mars (MARS Architects), “How China is Reshaping How We Plan the Urban Landscape“
- 12/10/20: Bruno Lhopiteau (Siveco), “Sustainable BRI Infrastructure: On-the-Ground on the Belt and Road“
- 12/05/20: Wang Baihua (Fudan), “Connecting the World: Chinese and American Poetry in Translation“
- 11/29/20: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey), “China’s Got Talent: Reskilling the Workforce for Lifelong Learning“
- 11/26/20: Rosie Hawes (Control Risks), “What Foreign Investors (Should) Worry about in the China Market“
- 11/19/20: Steffen Schiottz-Christensen (IFU) and Heidi Berg (former Norfund), “Sustainable Finance in China“
- 11/12/20: Ken Jarrett (Albright Stonebridge) and Ren Xiao (Fudan), “The U.S. Election and U.S.-China Relations“
- 11/07/20: John Ji (Duke), “Winter is Coming: How Weather Affects the Spread of Covid-19“
- 11/05/20: Michael Sung (Fudan), “Digital Finance in China: Driving FinTech and Blockchain Innovation
- 10/31/20: Andrew Field (Duke), “Shanghai 1935: High Life and Nightlife in a Glamorous Metropolis“
- 10/29/20: Vincent Wang (Global Law Office) and Ezra Mitchell (SHUPL), “Trade War Law and Regulations“
- 10/20/20: Zhang Xin (ECNU), “China-Russia Relations: Issues Today and Prospects Tomorrow“
- 10/17/20: Yvon Russon (SONG Advisory), “How Chinese SOEs Invest in Europe: A Window on the Belt and Road“
- 10/15/20: David Yu (NYU Shanghai), “Outlook for Chinese vs. International Airlines“
- 09/21/20: Dan Wang (Gavekal Dragonomics), “U.S.-China Tech Decoupling: Where Are We Now?“
- 09/20/20: Rosanna Terminio (Asecorp), Alex Wang (Huaxiao), Giacomo Fanizza (Fencer), “What is Leadership?“
- 09/17/20: Ian Driscoll (AmCham Shanghai), “Business Climate 2020: Findings from the 2020 AmCham Survey“
- 09/12/20: Wang Zhengxu (Fudan University), “China’s Political System: Responding to Giant Crises“
- 09/10/20: Zhang Li (RADII), “Why China is So Uncool: Beijing’s Branding Crisis and Western Media Bias“
- 08/20/20: Lu Zheng (Baker McKenzie), “Trends in Expat Regulation and Employment Pre/Post-Covid“
- 08/15/20: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey), “Global Climate Change by 2050: McKinsey’s 30-Year Forecast“
- 08/13:20: Stephane Monsallier (System in Motion), “Crimes Against Data: How to Spot and Stop Them“
- 08/06/20: Kent Kedl (Control Risks), “The New Intersection of Business and Geopolitics in China“
- 07/30/20: Ezra Mitchell (Shanghai University of Politics and Law), “Will America Survive Trump?“
- 07/23/20: Sven Agten (Rheinzink), “Innovation or Perfection: German Mittelstand Business in the China Market“
- 07/16/20: Xu Fan (Saxo Bank), “FinTech Today: Technology and Investment“
- 07/12/20: Jae Li (LabLimitless), “Breaking Boundaries with Design: New Design Trends in China”
- 07/09/20: Elijah Whaley (PARKLU), Alex Duncan (KAWO), Gu Xiaolei (Fabernovel), “Engaging Digital Consumers“
- 06/30/20: Ivan Rasmussen (NYU Shanghai), “America Post-Covid: Inevitable Decline or Enduring Status?“
- 06/23/20: Wesley Chiu (Project Volunteer Online), “Online Teaching for Villages in China“
- 06/18/20: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey), “Fast Forward China: How Covid-19 Accelerates Economic Trends“
- 06/16/20: Daniel Bell (Tsinghua) and Wang Pei (Fudan), “Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the World“
- 06/10/20: Nicholas Smith (University of Nottingham), “Covid-19 and China’s International Order Building“
- 05/24/20: Han Lin (Wells Fargo), “China’s Financial System: A Primer for the Non-Finance Practitioner“
- 05/21/20: Bai Tongdong (Fudan University), “Confucian Alternatives to Liberal Democracy“
- 05/17/20: David Mansfield (Y.K. Pao School), “International Education Post-Virus: Accelerator or Disrupter?“
- 05/14/20: Stephane Wilmet (L’Oreal), “Covid-19 and the 1st Wave for Consumers: Lessons Learned“
- 07/07/19: Thomas Talhelm (University of Chicago), “The Rice Theory of Culture and North-South Divide in China“
- 06/27/19: Jean-Marc Coicaud (Rutgers), “Explaining Populism in the West: France and America as Case Studies“
- 06/13/19: Xavier Nuttin (European Institute of Asian Studies), “Europe, China, and Systemic Rivalry?“
- 05/29/19: Jean-Marc Blanchard (ECNU), “Belt and Road, Neither Boom Nor Bust“
- 05/19/19: Eric Olander (China-Africa Project), “China-Africa Investment: Debunking the ‘Debt Trap’“
- 05/12/19: Ezra Mitchell (SUFE), “The Moral Roots of Business East and West“
- 03/30/19: Chow Yiu Fai (HKBU), “Single Women Doing Creative Work in Shanghai: Caring in Times of Precarity“
- 03/09/19: David Moser (Yenching Academy), “Covering Up Half the Sky: Sexism in the Chinese Language“
- 03/02/19: Simon Rabinovitch (The Economist), “China’s Economy as Told through the World’s Biggest Building“
- 02/26/19: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey), “China and the World: Inside a Changing Economic Relationship“
- 02/17/19: Ivan Rasmussen (NYU Shanghai), “U.S.-China Relations: 40 Years of Normalization and Beyond“
- 01/24/19: Song Lingfang (ESSCA) and Guo Hao (NYU Shanghai), “Are Returnees Treated Unfairly in Hiring?“
- 01/13/19: Wolfgang Röhr (former Consul General of Germany), “Constricting Belt, One-Way Road?“
- 01/05/19: Malcolm Clarke (Oscar-Winning Director) and Han Yi (Producer), “Screening of “Better Angels’“
- 12/13/18: Robbie Shields (HNC), Bonnie Liu (DKU), and Guo Hao (NYU Shanghai), “Career Development Panel“
- 12/09/18: Srinivas Yanamandra (New Development Bank), “FinTech, Integrity, and Future of Compliance“
- 11/24/18: Sebastien Falletti (Le Figaro), “Can We Trust North Korea’s Kim Jung Un?“
- 11/15/18: Ashok Sethi (Illuminera Institute), “Comparing Chinese and Indian Consumers“
- 11/03/18: Josh Eisenman (UT Austin), “Red China’s Green Revolution“
- 10/21/18: Catherine Becker (Metis), “Modernity to Post-Modernity: How Chinese Consumers Have Evolved“
- 10/17/18: Damian Flanagan (Author), “Visionaries of Modern Chinese and Japanese Literature“
- 09/26/18: Nkwetato Tamonkia (African Chamber of Commerce), “China and the New Scramble for Africa“
- 09/08/18: Brantley Turner (Qibao Dwight School), “The Internationalization of Chinese Private Education“
- 09/06/18: Yevhen Hlibovytsky (Pro Mova), “Ukraine as Game-Changer: Ukraine, Europe, and the World“
- 06/21/18: Naran Bilik (Fudan University), “From Nationality to Ethnicity: Performative Politics in China“
- 06/17/18: Stephane Wilmet (L’Oreal), “Reconnecting with Chinese Consumers: The Beauty of Branding“
- 06/16/18: Klaus Larres (UNC), “Donald Trump’s Worldview: The U.S., Europe, China, and the New Bipolar Order“
- 06/07/18: Elisabeth de Gramont (C Space) and Francesca Hansstein (SUFE), “China’s Consumers: Kids and Grads“
- 05/28/18: Gino Andreetta (CEO of Club Med), “Club Med and China’s Burgeoning Tourism Market“
- 05/14/18: Qian Jiwei (National University of Singapore), “New Developments in Health Reform in China“
- 05/08/18: Therese Healy (Consul General of Ireland) and Frances Ruane (Trinity College), “Ireland and the EU“
- 03/31/18: Sacha Cody (Anthropologist), “Small Steps, Run Fast: How Chinese Brands Engage with the World“
- 03/30/18: Jake Parker (U.S.-China Business Council), “Recent Developments in U.S.-China Commercial Relations“
- 03/08/18: Daan Roggeveen (MORE Architecture), “The New Chinese City as Global Urban Model“
- 02/27/18: Pavel Ananienko (VTB Bank), “Sanctions on Russia: Geopolitical Factors and Popular Reaction“
- 01/27/18: Jonathan Woetzel (McKinsey) and Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey), “Digital China and the World Economy“
- 01/20/18: Alessandro Arduino (SASS), “China’s Private Army: Protecting the New Silk Road“
- 12/09/17: Daniel Bell, (Tsinghua University), “China’s Political Model: Political Meritocracy, Democracy, or Both?“
- 12/03/17: James McGregor (APCO), “China’s New Era, America’s Abnormal, and the Need for a New Normal“
- 11/18/17: Dwayne Woods (Purdue University), “The China Model in Ethiopia: Win-Win or Dependency?“
- 10/28/17: Robert Bickers (University of Bristol), “Out of China: How China Ended the Era of Western Domination“
- 10/12/17: Zhou Yang (Zhonglun) and Carly Ramsey (Control Risks), “China’s New Cyber Security Law“
- 09/23/17: Kazuyuki Katayama (Consul General of Japan), “The Future of Japan-China Relations“
- 09/07/17: Ioana Kraft (European Chamber), “Results from the 2017 Business Confidence Survey“
- 08/20/17: Michael Humphreys (Control Risks), “On-the-Ground in One Belt One Road“
- 07/24/17: Jeff Towson (Beijing University), “China in 2025: Consumers, Competitors, and Capital“
- 06/29/17: David Shinn (U.S. Ambassador) and Josh Eisenman (UT Austin), “China and Africa: Past and Future“
- 06/06/17: Steven Suranovic (George Washington University), “Is China Really an Unfair Trader?“
- 05/22/17: Leslie Maasdorp (New Development Bank), “What’s “New” about the New Development Bank?“
- 05/16/17: Zhang Zhexin (SIIS), “Changing Images of China and the U.S. in Asia-Pacific: Trends and Implications“
- 04/26/17: Ken Jarrett (AmCham), Owen Haacke (USCBC), Andy Gilholm (Control Risks), “U.S.-China Business Risk“
- 04/19/17: Jeongmin Seong (McKinsey Global Institute), “Digital China and Artificial Intelligence“